You know when you go to the supermarket for a few things and next thing you are in the line juggling a huge pile of stuff on your arms because you got way more than you meant to?
And you know how you often end up with a weird feeling in one of your hands because you were holding on to something with a pinkie or a thumb and it was too heavy for one finger – or too heavy across the palm of your hand?

I’ll admit, this image is only tangentially related to this post but they both give me the same feeling of ‘Ah, yes. Right!’
And you didn’t realize that your hand was hurting until you put everything down because previous to that point you were focused on the balancing instead of on what you were carrying?
I’m kind of finding that with a lot of things in my work/volunteer life lately.
I mean, I knew I was juggling a fair bit but over the past couple of months I have brought my attention to all of the things that were actually in my hands. And, I have been laying them down one by one and seeing how much I actually want to be carrying.
And my hands feel weird because I had stuff hung off all of my fingers and they were hurting, but I didn’t realize it.
I had no idea how much I had in them until I put the stuff down – my focus was on keeping the pile balanced.
I am being VERY careful about how much I pick back up.
Does this feel familiar to you?
Has your focus been on the balance, too?
Can you turn your attention to your hands instead?
Yes! I am familiar with both the supermarket experience (I don’t need a shopping cart) and the volunteer experience (I can pick this can up). Having laid things down, I’m trying to Use The Cart! Which is to say, when I pick up things at the supermarket (or volunteer organization) I don’t need to keep holding it. I’m trying to do only one thing at a time. It’s okay if some stuff stays on the supermarket shelf– and the other things can wait in the cart, until I can give it my undivided attention.
I figured you would understand me on this one, Jennifer. 🙂 Good luck with your carts, both metaphorical and literal.