It’s Star Wars Day
May the Fourth Be With You
(And also with you)
(When you grow up Catholic, you just can’t shake some habits.)
I should be prime Star Wars audience. Almost everyone else who was born in the early 1970s seems to have formative memories of the first time they saw the movies and they have STRONG OPINIONS about different aspects of the films.
I do not.
I may have seen one of the movies, or parts thereof, when I was young but I haven’t seen all of them, even now. I did, however, play the hell out of Star Wars with my friends when I was a kid.
I didn’t know much about her but I thought that Princess Leia kicked ass.
I still do.
And, luckily, I’m not burdened by any details from any of the movies that might contradict that.
However, even more that Princess Leia, I think that Carrie Fisher kicked ass. She lived life out loud and she did it on her own terms.
How could you not admire someone like that?
So, when Star Wars Day rolls around, I celebrate by thinking about Carrie Fisher.

PS – Sometimes I have themed snacks, too, obviously. I’ll take any excuse for a themed snack.