I had a tangly kind of day. No crises, just a few vaguely unpleasant parts that I couldn’t shake loose from my brain.
My mind’s insistence on reviewing those unpleasantries kept me from work effectively for a chunk of the day. By this evening I was at loose ends and looking for a way to help myself feel better.
My initial plan was to do some journaling and then try to do some work but, frankly, I really didn’t want to do that.
So, instead, I exercised.
I took Khalee for a walk.
I rowed on my rowing machine for 20 minutes.
I did some strength training.
And I did some yoga.
That may sound like a lot but I didn’t overdo it, I paid close attention to how I was feeling and kept my efforts in the enjoyable range.
And when I was done, I felt so much better. The unpleasantries were still there but they had far less real estate in my mind.
I’m calling this method a success – not only is my mind clear but I feel good physically, too.