Oh, THAT’S why

I had a rough morning.

All kinds of stuff went wrong. Nothing huge, just annoying stuff.

I felt like I had to carry too many things and that I kept dropping them – metaphorically, not literally.

I felt like I was being pulled in multiple directions as questions popped up while I was in the middle of other stuff.

I realized at lunchtime that I had forgotten to make some oatmeal loaf this morning – something I had promised my son I would do for him today.

Then I dropped an egg on the floor.

And the whole time this was happening, I felt flustered and annoyed and resentful.

And I was feeling stressed about trying to get a few things done that I couldn’t even start until late in the day.

It turns out that I had forgotten to take my meds this morning.

So I was trying to push my unmedicated brain through a very convoluted day and to use that same brain to plan ahead.

Once I took my meds and my brain started to untangle I felt such compassion for myself – not only the me of today but the me of times past who would regularly end up in days that felt like this.

It was a relief to know what was going on and a relief to be able to dig myself out of it.