As often happens, my fears were for naught*

The workshop yesterday was delightful. Exactly what I needed.

And even though I didn’t completely understand what was going on, the instructor’s approach made it safe to feel that way.

It was a really interested exploration of the patterns of our inner worlds – not our mental space but our sense of our bodies from the inside.

A photo of a roughly traced outline of my body from the hips up, lying on my right side. The outline is filled with various patterns. ?
A photo of a roughly traced outline of my body from the hips up, lying on my right side. The outline is filled with various patterns.

*To be clear though, these fears of being the only one who doesn’t get it were not irrational. That exact scenario has played out MANY times.

More think-y than write-y

In the last couple of days, my brain has been absolutely filled with ideas but none of them are finished cooking.

And that makes it really hard to write.

Knowing that all of these cool ideas are simmering makes all of my easily accessible thoughts feel pretty dull and/or makes me feel like I should wait until they are ready before I write.

However, I know better than to fall for that.

Experience has taught me that:

– My current ideas only feel dull in comparison to those simmering ideas because those simmering ideas feel perfect (untested things often do.)

– Waiting until my ideas are ‘ready’ often means that I won’t write at all.

So, here I am writing a post that’s kind of a placeholder but at least it reminds me that any writing I do is helpful in the long term.

Drawing with dots

I have many many different versions of drawings like this – a figure, back on, standing on a hill, reaching their arms towards the sky.

I don’t know exactly why I am drawn (ha!) to draw this so often but I am and I do.

Today, I experimented with creating this image from dots.

I really like how the sky turned out but I think that, next time, I’ll make the figure taller with longer arms.

A drawing of a person standing on a hill, arms outstretched toward the starry sky. This drawing is made entirely of dots. Curving horizontal lines of green dots for the hill, vertical lines of blue dots for the sky, clusters of yellow dots of stars, and a three triangles and a circle of black dots for the figure.

Snail Friend

Image description: a close-up photo yellow-gold snail shell (with a snail inside) affixed to a green maple leaf. There are other leaves and maple keys right behind the first leaf and in the out-of-focus background is a white plastic chair against my red shed.

Do I know that snails can be pests? Yes.

Do I love them anyway? Yes.

Last night while I was meditating in my backyard swing, I accidentally opened my eyes at one point and spotted this snail on a leaf across the yard.

I thought ‘I hope he doesn’t move before I finish meditating and get over there to take a picture.

Then I realized time was on my side because a snail travels at snail speed so I went back to focusing on my breath.

Some delightfully creepy trees

These trees are between the path and a cliff on the trail I hiked on Monday.

There’s no reason for them to be spooky but they kind of spook me all the same.

In a good way.

Two large dead trees lying amidst greenery with the blue sky above.
Image description: two sun-bleached dead trees lie on their sides amidst greenery and evergreen trees on a sunny day. The blue sky above makes a nice contrast with the greenery and the white-grey of the dead trees.