Autumn Colour Art

I had to create a sample of art in autumn colours for an art challenge earlier this week and I was really pleased with the results.

Good reminder for myself, really.

A photo of a small painting with a yellow background trimmed in brown with 3 butterfly stickers (in oranges and browns) and a sticker of 5 mushrooms, and the phrase ‘remember the now.’ at the base of the mushrooms.

Avoid Rushing

Through a combination of ADHD and personality I often end up feeling rushed.

Sometimes I do need to rush. I might not have allowed enough time for the activity at hand. I might have overcommitted in my tasks for the day or sometimes things spring up and it’s unavoidable.

However, sometimes I end up feeling rushed, and there is no need to rush, nor to feel rushed.

And I need to work on that.

I need to notice when I’m feeling rushed or when I feel like I’m going to be rushed and I need to address that feeling right then.

So I’m going to assess if the feeling is coming from having too much to do, from not having enough time, or if it’s generated from something else. And then I’m going to see what I can do about it.

Because I’m really tired of realizing later that I didn’t have to keep feeling a given way.

And the only way to deal with that is to become more conscious of that feeling earlier in the process.

My Acting Challenge

I’m absolutely honoured that friend of mine chose me for a part in a reading of her play.

I got a great kick out of the character and costume notes for my part – a middle aged Mom who does yoga and cares more about comfort than fashion.

You know, I just *might* be able to pull this off.

I saw a frog today!

I visited a friend at her summer home today and, as a bonus, I got to see this delightful creature.

A photo of a frog in a pond
A photo of a small green frog sitting back-on in the shallow water at the edge of a pond. There is green grass and other plants in the bottom edge of the photo.

If all else fails, doodle

I’m having a hard time getting my brain in gear today so I did some doodles/Zentangle patterns.

Three small white cards with doodles on them
Three small white cards with doodles on them. The one on top features 5 long tailed multi-coloured stars, the one on the bottom left has overlapping lines and is a bit like a plaid pattern, the one on the bottom right looks like a banner tail or the end of a piece of ribbon