Where to start?

I’ve been doing all kinds of writing but somehow it never makes it to this blog.

So, let’s catch-up!


I did Story-a-Day May again this year. You can read my stories here

a pink and yellow background with a dancer in a long skirt and blue striped shirt drawn in ink. The dancer is holding the tail of her skirt in her right hand and her left arm is above her head. Her hair is in a low bun.

I deliberately chose not to make this dancer willowy. The dancers I know are a wide range of body types.

I decided to postpone my 3rd degree black belt test because it felt like a chore instead of a challenge. You can read about that here.

I have been doing a lot of freelance writing for community newspapers through NL.  You can see some of them here, here, and here.

And I am 196 days into a 365 day art project to draw something every day. You can see one of my drawings to the right. My goal with the drawings is to get closer and closer to conveying my ideas the way I want to convey them. Sometimes I get close, sometimes not so much. You can see more of my artwork on Instagram.


Thinking about Questions

I studied Anthropology/Archaeology in University and I have found it enormously helpful in understanding the world around me.

Among other things, Anthropology gave me a good understanding that the person who decides what questions can be asked (in a conversation, in research, in any specific context), has a lot of control of the outcome of a given situation. Good questions expand people’s thinking, encourage them to make new connections, and they open the narrative.

Narrow questions limit the answers you can receive and they can negatively influence how people perceive their situation.

I have come up against this in many contexts – and I often bring it up when I am telling stories – but my most recent example was when I downloaded an intriguing fitness app because of an Instagram ad.

Wait! How is a fitness app affected by questions?

You can find out in my latest ‘Fit is a Feminist Issue’ post ‘Let Me Set My Own Goals ThankYouVeryMuch’