There is a winter storm warning here today.
But so far the snow is just falling gently and it hasn’t even started blowing around.
It’s really perfect weather for walking the dog.

There is a winter storm warning here today.
But so far the snow is just falling gently and it hasn’t even started blowing around.
It’s really perfect weather for walking the dog.
This week has been a slog.
No specific disasters, just a bunch of small frustrations wearing me down.
I don’t feel like doing anything but doing nothing doesn’t make me feel any better so I have been letting my habits and routines carry me along.
Tonight, I feel especially grateful for my routine of walking the dog.
If she didn’t need to get out for a stroll tonight, I would have just spent the evening sitting around and that wouldn’t have served me well at all.
Thanks, Khalee-pup!
Khalee is somehow both vigilant and relaxed in the yard.
And I am sitting on my patio mat about to do some yoga.
It’s warm, I drank my tea outdoors, and I feel relaxed.
It’s finally summer!