
Maybe 10 or 12 years ago I bought this hat that I really like.

It’s a black beanie with a quote from Neil Gaiman on it ‘Make Good Art.’* He’s not the only person to ever say that, of course, but it’s part of a longer quote and I bought the hat from his website so it works for me.

Except that it doesn’t work for me.

Well, the quote works for me and the idea of it on a bay works for me but the hat itself?

It’s teeny.

It was supposed to be one size fits all but it doesn’t fit me.

So, I have been moving it around from storage spot to storage spot for years. I don’t want to part with it but I can’t wear it.

Recently, though, I brewed some tea in a smallish teapot and needed to finish something before I could sit down, drink tea, and read.

My other tea cozy is for a much larger pot so I didn’t want to use that. This teeny hat came to mind and suddenly I had solved two problems.

A black beanie with white text that reads ‘Make Good Art’ - Neil Gaiman. It appears to be standing on its own on my wooden table but it is actually serving as a tea cozy for my small teapot.?
A black beanie with white text that reads ‘Make Good Art’ – Neil Gaiman. It appears to be standing on its own on my wooden table but it is actually serving as a tea cozy for my small teapot.

*I also approve of making bad art, or any art at all. The process is way more important to me than the results are.

I like how this picture feels

I took this photo on Friday near Rocky Harbour, NL.

I liked how it felt to see this in person and I like how it feels to look at this photo.

A photo from a grassy shore with a body of water in the middle ground and hills at the back.
A photo looking out over a body of water to some hills in the distance. In the foreground is grass with rocks at the shore, then there is a long stretch of water leading to hills in the very back of the photo. The way the water extends toward/between the hills gives the photo a very long perspective.

Storytelling week!

Last week, I was organizing events for other people’s fun.

I had fun, too, of course but when you have to remember all the details, it’s hard to really sink into what you’re doing.

This week, though, I’m telling stories at two different festivals and I’ll have to do is show up and tell.

I don’t have to figure anything out.

I don’t have to remember any details.

I don’t have to make sure we have supplies.

I just have to tell stories.

I’m really looking forward to it!

Artsy Fun All Week!

This week I taught a creativity workshop, took a drawing workshop and a Zine workshop, and I told a story on stage at a public event.

Today, I’m going to an ‘Art Crawl’ where people can drop by our organization’s table to try a couple of activities.

I just need to add some writing to my day today and this will be a perfectly creative week.