Me, at work.

My husband has been sick for the past few days so for the first two days of this work week, I have been opening his shop first thing in the morning for his staff.*

Having a fixed time to be ‘at work’ has made me realize that I need to get up earlier overall.

I have to leave at 8:15 to open his shop on time and I’ve been getting up at 7:30, which felt like plenty of time.

And maybe it is, on paper, but it doesn’t FEEL like enough time.

45 minutes is not enough time for my brain to wrap itself around feeding the dog, having my own breakfast, and getting ready for the day.

This is especially true for when I have to leave the house for part of the day but I think the same holds true for working at home.

I often wish I had gotten down to work earlier but I struggle to make the switch from ‘just waking up’ me to ‘I can work now’ me.

And if my morning goes a bit sideways, it can throw off my whole day.

So, if I want to have lots of time to do the things that are important to me, if I want to feel in charge of my schedule, I have to change when I get up.

And I probably need a plan for what I will do before work and ‘at work’, even if I am not actually leaving my house that day.

Now I guess I have to experiment with how much earlier I should set my alarm.

*His senior staff are working on a project at another location.

Balancing My Schedule

ADHD is a tricky thing to work around.

Even though I am medicated, I still need to be careful with how and when I schedule different types of work and activities.

Lots of times, I overschedule myself and then I get overwhelmed. Or, like the last few days, I sometimes underschedule myself, get off track, and then have to scramble to finish the things I wanted to do.

Both of those are frustrating scenarios and I don’t like how I feel after trying to wrangle either type of day.

For tomorrow, I have a set of tasks scheduled with some buffer time around each.

Let’s see where this falls on the scheduling scale.

GIF of TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Amy is asking Jake ‘Who’s ready for some non-stop, totally scheduled fun?’
GIF description: A scene from tv show Brooklyn Nine-Nine in which Amy Santiago is asking Jake Peralta ‘Who’s ready for some non-stop, totally scheduled fun?’