Again with the dogberries

I know I’ve mentioned how much I like dogberries.

My camera has all kinds of photos like these:

A close up photo of bright red dogberries on a bare branch. There is grass below and in the background and a white SUV in the far background.
A photo of multiple bunches of bright red dogberries on mostly bare branches with a few yellowed leaves here and there.
A very close-up photo of bright red dogberries on the end of a bare branch just a little bit above some grass.

One of my favourite views

I love the way the ‘gateway’ to my yard from my patio looks.

I feel relaxed just looking at this photo.

A photo of a backyard as seen through the opening in a patio rail. There are flowers in pots on the patio.
Image description: a photo of part of my yard and patio. Near the centre of the photo is one side of the opening in my patio rail where the steps come up. On the right is the patio rail and post with some sunflowers in a pot with a beam of sunlight on them. On the left side of the photo is a green pot with purple flowers growing in it. Through the opening is the sun-dappled grass in my yard, in the middle distance an orange lawn chair and my square fire pit, and in the far background is a wooden fence with a small shelf, raised a little from the ground, with three flowerpots on it.

Some things I just noticed today

I love how walking at even slightly different times of day or at a slightly different pace or a slightly different route leads me to notice new things in familiar places.

I love when rocks are sticking out of the ground like this, it reminds me of the site where I used to go to Guide camp.

I also love Khalee’s expression in this photo, kind of giving me side eye.

A large rock sticks out of the ground, surrounded by greenery. A light haired dog stands nearby.
Image description: a large piece of speckled rock is emerging from the ground, surrounded by greenery. A light-haired dog with a harness and a leash stands near it, looking sideways/toward the camera.

I’m sure I just have seen this type of tree before and perhaps I will recognize it again later in the season. I suspect that I am usually too busy in the spring to notice it flower, or maybe it has just reached eye level this year. Either way, I’m happy to have noticed it.

Green leaves, pink buds, and a white flower on a tree.
Image description: bright green leaves, a white flower, and pink buds on a tree.

Even though I have always been fairly observant, I sometimes am so focused on completing a task before I get distracted that I don’t notice everything I would have liked to see.

I’m tweaking that tendency these days and it has been worth the effort.