These trees are between the path and a cliff on the trail I hiked on Monday.
There’s no reason for them to be spooky but they kind of spook me all the same.
In a good way.

These trees are between the path and a cliff on the trail I hiked on Monday.
There’s no reason for them to be spooky but they kind of spook me all the same.
In a good way.
On my walk yesterday, this tree was blooming? budding? growing?
And it just looked so cheerful and hopeful that I had to take a photo.
I know that this is a completely ordinary tree doing it’s completely ordinary thing but I was grateful for it yesterday and that’s worth celebrating.
Yesterday, I saw this tiny bird (zoom in on the top of the tree) while I was out for a walk.
Nothing about its shape or size or actions caused me any concern but when it said. “Tweet, tweet!” , like a person doing a very poor imitation of a bird, my suspicions were raised.
Nice try, spy-bird. Nice try.
PS – Before you send someone to do a wellness check: Yes. the bird sounded like a person saying tweet. No, I don’t actually think it was a spy.
Last night, when I let Khalee out at around midnight, it was cool and crisp outside but it wasn’t cold.
It made me hopeful that I’ll soon be able to sit out on the patio at night and draw.
And that soon I’ll be doing yoga outside instead of in.
And soon I’ll have pots of flowers everywhere.
Yesterday, after a meeting, I decided to walk home.
Most of the year, this walk would be pretty straightforward but with snow still in patches on the paths , it was a bit uncertain.
I still enjoyed it though.
I really like walking for transportation but my ADHD used to get in the way quite often and I would find that I didn’t have quite enough time to get myself to my planned destination and I’d need to take the car.
It was easier if I got dropped off because there was less timing pressure for getting home.
Now though, after years of meditation and conscious work on how to make my own ADHD life flow more smoothly, I can usually plan enough time to walk in either direction or I can decide on the best plan in advance.
All of this is to say that I had an enjoyable walk home yesterday and I felt grateful for a bit of time to move and think and listen to a podcast.
Also, I saw a cool tree.