Storytelling week!

Last week, I was organizing events for other people’s fun.

I had fun, too, of course but when you have to remember all the details, it’s hard to really sink into what you’re doing.

This week, though, I’m telling stories at two different festivals and I’ll have to do is show up and tell.

I don’t have to figure anything out.

I don’t have to remember any details.

I don’t have to make sure we have supplies.

I just have to tell stories.

I’m really looking forward to it!

Hurrah for Sunday

I don’t have anything scheduled today so my brain has been ‘off leash’ all day and I feel great.

I’ve done all kinds of stuff but I did it at my own pace and on my own schedule so this has been such a relaxing day so far.

Next up: reading on the patio until I feel like doing something else.

Update: I did get some writing done yesterday before going to the Art Crawl. AND everyone who visited our table at the crawl had a great time making a thumbprint monster.

Artsy Fun All Week!

This week I taught a creativity workshop, took a drawing workshop and a Zine workshop, and I told a story on stage at a public event.

Today, I’m going to an ‘Art Crawl’ where people can drop by our organization’s table to try a couple of activities.

I just need to add some writing to my day today and this will be a perfectly creative week.

As often happens, my fears were for naught*

The workshop yesterday was delightful. Exactly what I needed.

And even though I didn’t completely understand what was going on, the instructor’s approach made it safe to feel that way.

It was a really interested exploration of the patterns of our inner worlds – not our mental space but our sense of our bodies from the inside.

A photo of a roughly traced outline of my body from the hips up, lying on my right side. The outline is filled with various patterns. ?
A photo of a roughly traced outline of my body from the hips up, lying on my right side. The outline is filled with various patterns.

*To be clear though, these fears of being the only one who doesn’t get it were not irrational. That exact scenario has played out MANY times.